Hi, I'm Ashka Shah. I'm a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago, advised by Rick Stevens. I am interested in accelerating discovery for high-dimensional problems in science with AI and autonomous experimentation. My recent work is on causal discovery with graph partitioning for recovering causal links in genome-scale networks.

I did my undergraduate degree at Harvey Mudd College, majoring in physics. After that, I worked at the National Ignition Facility where I wrote code for simulating laser physics.
Last summer, I interned at the Flatiron Institute in Olga Troyanksaya's lab working on causal discovery of human tissue-specific gene regulatory networks. Prior to that I interned at Argonne National Laboratory working in the Rapid Prototyping Lab for autonomous experimentation.


  • Causal Discovery over High-Dimensional Structured Hypothesis Spaces with Causal Graph Partitioning
    Ashka Shah, Adela DePavia, Nathaniel Hudson, Ian Foster, Rick Stevens
Ashka Shah headshot

Ashka Shah

PhD Candidate in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
University of Chicago
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